I'm hosting a baby shower next month and was in need of some party favors. After searching Etsy and the internet for over an hour, I suddenly realized I had quite a collection of vintage hankies waiting to be listed in my

I located my stash of buds from
Havenhill Lavender 
poured a pile into a freshly ironed hanky

cinched it up with ribbon....and voila! Vintage hanky lavender sachets.
What a great idea! Hope you'll soon be out of hankies ;)
Looks like you were busy! These look great. SO much nicer- and a definite keeper vs. the crappy little plastic baby in a rocking swing, wrapped in a tacky country blue dishcloth that I got not too long ago.
That was the problem I kept coming across on my internet searches...WTF would anyone do with that stuff?
What a fab idea. You're too clever!
Hope you don't get a cold now & have no spare hankies on hand :)
I think lavender is a beautiful smell. What a clever idea you have.
Very cool idea!
Oh how I wish lavender didn't make me sneeze!!
You're the MacGyver of crafts girl :)
How are you feeling today? You sound like you're feeling worlds better!
what a great idea! so delicate and pretty. a perfect compliment to lavender.
That's such a good idea. I love lavender!
thanks everyone...I'm glad I figured out something to use the hankies for!
These are fantastic! What a wonderful idea. And yeah, these beat any favors I'VE ever received HANDS DOWN.
so pretty! vintage textiles make a great favor.
*am blog-hopping today* :) Nice bundles of fragrance! I love lavender scents, but I've never come across real lavender buds before. I have a mind to buy them in bulk and make little sachets. :)
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