I've received a You Make My Day Award from A' Musements...yay!
Karen is the Queen of ephemera collaging/art...take a look:

She is also one of the funniest bloggers I know...
"You Make My Day Award" works like this:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver. A'Musements
3. Display the "You Make my Day Award" logo with a link to the post I wrote.
4. (Optional) Tell the award winners they have won by commenting on their blogs.
Here are 5 blogs that make my day:
T. Kimberlyn Designs
Little Brown Sparrow
Abigail Percy
Auntie Joy
How About Orange
They are all fresh & fun, and offer a unique view of life...
Congrats on your award! Another well deserved win. I'm certain I was only congratulating you very recently for receiving another award. You go girl! You'll be needing more shelving for all of your awards. At least "virtual" shelving is easier to assemble than IKEA shelving :)
Hey Harriet...congrats backatcha!
You are such a PILL!
You know what this means, right?
When I "master" the computer and the technology is at my disposal, you are in trouble...
Thanks for letting Marie out to see the sights, poor dear. All cake and no milk, what's a girl to do?
Congratulations Charmaine! You are one talented, hardworking, funny, creative....DIVA!
Congrats to you..and thank you!
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