"I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."
- The Dalai Lama
Beautiful blog..Ah, human nature and our flaws..It is amazing what greed has done to this earth..We can change it, one person at a time..something I always told the girls.
great blog today Miss Diva.
i agree with rosebud, one person at a time. Hopefully I can be one of those people who helps change it.
Beautiful post.
And yes, all of our individual actions, from how we treat each other on a daily basis, what we consume, how we vote, what we teach to our children, what we take, and what we contribute back... all of this and so much more, if done in the spirit of universal love instead of greed, will hopefully pave the road to a better world.
I am so sad at how we, as a nation, have backslid so horrifically with this last administration, I pray we turn things around very soon.
a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity
Powerful words all around but this just struck a chord with me today. Rosebud is right and if all of us as "one person" came together we would have the nation of people Dr King dreamed about.
Great words. Great pics to go with the great words. Great post to promote a great cause.
Beautiful and thought provoking post.
Beautiful! Yes!
Sandra Evertson
if only the whole world could read your post charmaine
: )
Lovely post.
Wonderful message to put out there.
Inspiring and perfect for times such as these.
As five-fingered humans, we are all the same.
Douglas Spotted Eagle
Why can't we see this, is it so hard?
lovely post. and gorgeous tributes to great humans.
Beautiful words! Thanks!
Thanks so much for speaking out!!! I'm with ya, sister! XOX
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