Mark spent part of the weekend working on an order for a custom cabinet shop...handles for the showroom so clients can see ironwork on display rather than in a portfolio.

the propane forge

the artist at work

some pieces for the handles based on this piece of decorative trim

how the finished handles will look, installed on a wood paneled refrigerator
What lovely work..Now there is a person using the gifts given to him..
Just beautiful..
*waves to Mark*
I'm thinking he should make more and put them in shop to right! Love the translation from wood piece to iron. What a talent!
You must be so proud to be married to such a talented man!
I think metalworking is so intriguing so I enjoy your Mark posts immensely!
Beautiful handles!
Wow, gorgeous work! A very talented craftsman. Thanks for sharing his beautiful work as it's something I don't see very much of.
Beautiful!!! My cousin and her husband are farriers and used to sell their works in my shop. What a grand skill and what a tradition of old to keep alive with new twists on decorative designs. Bravo Mark !!! (lucky girl)
i want handles like that on my refrigerator!!! oh wait...can't have such handles on our rented appliances!
Wow, that's amazing! Very nice.
wow..stunning work!
Those are absolutely georgous!
Your husband is so creative.
Does he make hardware for your cabinetry in your house?
I would love to have a hubbie like yours.
I have an extremely cool wrought iron grape branch above the kitchen window, and sad looking plastic handles on my big, ugly, white 17 year old refrigerator.
wow, those are incredible! I love the organic look against those antiquey cabinets.
They're beautiful! Wonderful skill. It's always so visually appealing when you see a man work with his hands. :)
OMG! How incredible is this work?! I would love to be the person who is having these beauties installed in their home! How wonderful. Mark is truly an artist and craftsman in the most honorable sense of the word. Very nice...
utterly lovely work.
hi, I've just been catching up, your new paths look great, I love the potato barns (we need one!) and Marks ironwork is beautiful!
: )
What interesting metal work.
Lots of it here in Marrakech - but this was rather lovely and individual.
Very satisfying to make things.
I like your Billy Baldwin quote.
Ruskin wrote"Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful"Words to live by which means people can have perfectly awful things - if they love them!!
His work is just amazing!
Must be great to be married with a men who knows the value of handwork. He makes such beautiful things!
Your potato barn photos and post were great and for Mark's work, it's amazing!
He looks so serious when hard at work I would have been afraid to disturb him with the camera lol! Holy AWESOME design! Congrats on the custom order Mark!
Stunning. I can't image all the amazing pieces you must have in that home of yours.
oh goodie, a wonderful new blog to add to my favorites - lovely metal work - great catch!
He certainly is talented. I'm glad you document his work. It's not a skill we seem to see enough of these days.
Amazing. I don't know why, but I am always drawn to metal work. Maybe back in my genetics somewhere? I loved this post, Diva!
Those are beautious! Great job, Mark!
Talent like this just blows me away!
Those fridge handles are absolutely FABULOUS!!!
my beautiful, never seen handles like this before, not here anyway. Ours are way too boring :(
Oh my... that is so beautiful.
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