The Four C's with Mom, 1969
from left to right: Charmaine, Cherelle (baby), Cherise, Chantele
"Women know
The way to rear up children (to be just)
They know a simple, merry, tender knack
Of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes
And stringing pretty words that make no sense."
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Beautiful poem and beautiful picture..
That's so sweet. It's a really beautiful photo. You all look so angelic...but I'm quite sure you all grew out of that stage ;D
Wow, four girls. And she raised at least one person I know of the bunch super-wonderfully. Your mom deserves a medal!
Adorable picture! I love the little poem too :o)
Your mother looks so merry and proud...amidst the gaggle of cute little girls,
I don't know whether or not you are a mother, so I will say "Happy Mother's Day" in case you are...
It's a special day...I hope you enjoy it.
Love the Browning and the photo!
I grew up in a famiy of three daughters. Four...wow! :)
thats such a great picture of all of you. its a nice reminder that I should be taking more. Happy Mothers Day!
What a sweet photo! Thanks for sharing it with us :)
You guys are so cute! Your parents must have cursed not giving you different initials when the mail came in for Miss C *your surname here*, if you guys were anything like my siblings and me. There would be a complete bun fight if anyone ever opened another person mail.
What a great shot! I have three girls myself. I have so few old photos - reminds me that I have to go through my mom's old stash and make myself an album!
What a wonderful photo, and sentiment!
So sweet :~)
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