March 27, 2009


Make it beautiful and useful. 

Ample Sample carpet remnant design contest. A clever way to keep carpet samples out of the landfill.

"Design isn’t always about clients and deadlines. Take a break from the grind and answer our call for something useful and beautiful with upcycled materials; specifically, carpet samples. Ample Sample is again challenging designers to rethink and repurpose carpet samples after their usefulness to a design project, to make a design product. The best ideas will be showcased at NeoCon 2009 and featured on the website, complete with blueprints and instructions for their designs."

My favorite past entries

The Green Screen uses 150 carpet samples and makes a fantastic room divider

The pendant lamp is made is made from 8 carpet samples, wooden dowel rods, leather straps and glue making it inexpensive and easy to construct.

This chair is made from covering different size rugs one on the top of the other...and held together very simply, with two ropes.

Past winners offer downloadable how to instructions here

There are thousands and thousands of carpet samples thrown away each year....time to show off your eco-design savvy.  Enter to win. 


Tess Kincaid said...

Cool! I love "green" ideas.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Ever so the room divider! I would think the chair would be a bit uncomfortable but still a cool idea.

Rosebud Collection said...

There are so many clever people in this world..What neat designs..wish I could think of something.

Victoria said...

I LOVE this! So creative!!!

Jill said...

AAHH-love that chair for one of the kids' rooms. That's innovative.

Unknown said...

What an inventive way to go green :D

Helen said...

Thanks for the mental nudge ... years ago I made large area rugs for my kids' rooms with samples a local business GAVE to me ... they were amazing (I thought.) time to get creative again .......

A Wild Thing said...

I love the lamp, how retro is that!!! I love that we have become so Earth conscious these's about time, us baby boomers need some help, we can't save the planet alone...if I could only get my daughter to recycle. She's been around it all her life and still feigns ignorance...bad daughter!!!

Golden West said...

Seems like kindergartens across the country could use the individual pieces for kids to use as mats on the floor during story time...

T.Allen said...

Are you back in design mode? The pendant lamp is great, so is the chair-such talent. I would have never thought-I guess it's the way my mind works when I see a group of words!

Unknown said...

Very cool! I love that lamp (wondering how heavy it would be...)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Wish I had time to dream something up. I'm sure I could do something.. but must. resist. urge.... too. much. to. do!

Unknown said...


Country Girl said...

These are ingenious designs! I'm not sure I have it in me, but I'm glad there are so many talented people in this world that do.

Unknown said...

wow wow wow!

what a challenge.

Robynn's Ravings said...

I have no creativity in this area - that's my daughter. But it will be fun to see what people come up with.

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Cool! I really like the lampshades!!

Good Dirt Jewelry said...

Love the room divider!

Hey Harriet said...

That's a nifty challenge.