April 29, 2009

Burn out

You may have noticed an absence of comments from me....

painting found here

I think I have a case of blog burn out. Today marks my 654th post...I'm going to take a break. Go to Italy on May 9th. Get refreshed. I'll be back. Ciao!


Bonbon Oiseau said...

oh...you deserve a break! it's hard to keep up with so many friends---we know you still love us:)
have a great trip and hope you return refreshed and rejuvenated!

Elizabeth said...

I utterly agree with you...
but you must take lots of photos of Italy and keep us posted when you return.
We are all hoping you have an amazing trip.

Ann said...

Go get yourself a much needed RnR ... the Italian way:)


vicki archer said...

Have a wonderful, wonderful time - we will miss you but still be here waiting when you return. Ciao baby, xv.

A Wild Thing said...

The first of April marked my year in blogistan...but aren't you glad we don't have to write letters anymore.

Have a wonderful time in Italy, someday I'll take the plunge, but now I'm too busy with stuff. Take lots of pics and have a glorious time...we'll all be here waiting...you lucky stiff!

Golden West said...

Happy trails, Charmaine!

Jennifer Juniper said...

Taking a break is the best way to find inspiration, and what's more inspiring than Italy??? Have fun! We'll hold down the fort :)

Almost Precious said...

Italy...so beautiful. I was born in Messina, Sicily, my mom came to the states just after the war (to be with my father...turns out he ran off with another woman, leaving my mother on the New York docks alone and frightened...but that's another story !) Enjoy the break, the change of scenery, recharge yourself and your inner spirit. Anna Maria

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

654 posts...WOW! Can't say I blame you one bit. What a great break...a trip to Italy. I'm up for a break like that and I haven't done that many posts! Have a terrific time and can't wait to see the pictures.

Victoria said...

Very, very understandable!
Enjoy that trip to Italy with every cell of your body. Soak it all in. Renew, refresh, and eat, eat, eat!
Hope you have a fantastic time!

Brighid said...

Your going to have a terrific trip, and take a few million pictures to share with us. waahoo!

littlebyrd said...

Definitely! I would have crashed a loooong time ago if I were you. Enjoy your time off and come back when you are ready and rested.

Tess Kincaid said...

Excellent idea, Charmaine. I am feeling a bit of it myself!!! Take a much deserved break and we'll all be right here when you return. We'll want lots of pictures, of course!

Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...

Italy is so breathe-takingly beautiful! You will come back brimming and bubbling with images, ideas and creativity.

Rest, prepare, enjoy!!

Unknown said...

Firstly, we all experience that at times..at times, I don't want to post, sometimes felt like doing 3 a week, and when I am sick, I even wanted to delete the entire blog. You have been a faithfull commentor and we love you, so...please...go for this wonderful break, re-charge the batteries and blog or comment when you are to it. I totally understand..and when I am on blog breaks..it's the best feeling ever, plus, I come back feeling much happier. Have a superb trip to Italy, we look forward to those awesome pictures..have fun, forget about the blog. Ciao for now....hugs/M

perpetualpillows.com said...

Have a fantastic, inspiring, relaxing, refreshing, extraordinary gastronomical, art-filled and safe Italian adventure. I look forward to many photos and stories when you return. 654 blogs! How do you do it?! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

A Cuban In London said...

Hey, Italy beckons. I look forward to your photos and commentary already. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

alaine@éclectique said...

I couldn't think of a better place to go to re-charge the batteries. Your little icon will remain on my blog and I'll be looking for the pic to roll over one day soon. Enjoy that beautiful place and the beautiful people there. LBx

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Talk about a time investment! You totally deserve to take a break, enjoy Italy and we'll see you when you get back :-) Be sfe & have fun!

Iris said...

Enjoy Italy! I understand the burnout factor totally. I had to reboot.You are going to come back so refreshed and inspired. Can't wait to see what happens,adventure is one of my favorite words. Have a Blast!

Living in the Garden said...

good girl!
take time to do what makes you most happy.....

Charmaine said...

I hear ya sister. Can I come? We could confuse the natives, "I'm Charmaine". "No I'M Charmaine". "No you're not I'm Charmaine".

Rosebud Collection said...

I have to admit..I have been sloppy all winter..Have a wonderful time..will be waiting to hear all about your trip..Bet it will be wonderful..Safe trip..

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Oh sure... take a break! Go to Italy! Come back with fabulous things to blog about!!

*have a great time- we'll be here!

Hey Harriet said...

You blog everyday, so I'm not surprised that you're suffering blog burnout! Have a super break and the best time ever in Italy Charmaine. Take lots of pics and blog again when you're ready. Take care! xo

shiborigirl said...

Nothing like the Mediterranean atmosphere to recharge the batteries (and flirting with some of the menfolk there too :) ). Enjoy your trip and tell us all about it when you get home...

Bon Voyage,


Country Girl said...

I understand completely! Have a wonderful time and see you when you get back.

Unknown said...

ooh, nice painting. take some time for yourself. have fun! :-D

T.Allen said...

I'm not so amenable...perhaps, if you take me with you, we can call it a wash. What do you say?

Cheryl Cato said...

Enjoy your trip! Come back refreshed! Ciao!

StaroftheEast said...

Enjoy Italy!!
Everyone needs a break from time to time!

Anonymous said...

burnout happens. ♥

enjoy your vacation!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Diva!!! Italy! How cool. Have a tremendous time. I have stepped back from blogging and commenting myself, but I do check in from time to time. I will look forward to the blogs about Italy when you return!!!

Golden West said...

Just want to wish you bon voyage!

Judi FitzPatrick said...

Burn out bad, vacation good. Bon voyage!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Been a little charred and cindered myself but mostly by life - would love to stow away but looking forward to it for you. Enjoy!

Rachel Biel said...

Woo hoo! Italy! It really is nice to have an online community, but it should never replace really living. Blog when you have something to say, keep it fun for you. I'd hate to see you get totally fed up and not do it anymore.

Along with everyone else here, I will look forward to your photos, too.