July 10, 2009

Vertical Gardening

I found this photo while reading a design article
The nifty wall pockets are found here.

Can't seem to get enough of the vertical gardens.  I must figure out a way to incorporate some for our new deck...


Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I like them too. I think that would be nice for a deck.

Golden West said...

Ingenious! However, old habits die hard and I can't see myself breaking away from moss lined baskets and terra cotta pots.

A Wild Thing said...

How cool is that...a solution for a boring spider plant gone wild...

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

The would look great on your deck in little niches...and I visited their website and you're out in the boonies, you could be out in your garden nekked, too, HaHaMeow

Clarity said...

I've heard of these, they're especially good for flats that have limited space of balconies.

I've seen the wall panels you can get that use a filtration system to drip-down and water the plants that way - think of plants on a steep mountain.

My one tip would be don't build it too high that you can't weed or trim it :)

Kathy said...

Such a great idea they are! Love the look.

T.Allen said...

Very pretty. I checked out the site those things are fabulous, now if I could just grow stuff.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

They are so elegant looking to me!

Jeanne Estridge said...

I wanted to try those plastic hanging bags that grow tomatoes upside down, but Mr. Cheap wouldn't spring for them, so we planted tomatoes in hanging baskets.

The jury is still out on that one....

Anonymous said...

Some inspiration I came across today and thought of your post:


Judi FitzPatrick said...

Very cool!

Hey Harriet said...

Good luck! Once you've figured it out be sure to post pics :)