September 23, 2009


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.”

~Thomas Merton

I'm still here, reflecting, balancing what is important to me right now.

What about you?


Tess Kincaid said...

Hey, glad to hear all's well! Hope you enjoyed your summer.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Glad to see your post and know that you are doing ok!

Golden West said...

Excellent composition in that photograph, by the way. How's the ramada coming along? Hope you've had some stargazing time out there on cool evenings.

A Cuban In London said...

Well, I'm here sucking up the landscape in the picture you provided. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

High Desert Diva said...

Striking, isn't it? Approximately 35 miles NW of our home. We were cutting across country on some forest service roads and saw this......

T.Allen said...

I'm here sipping coffee and smiling from ear to ear because you appeared! Hello, friend!

vicki archer said...

So good to see your name pop up in my side bar....I hope all is good in your world, xv.

Helen said...

Charmaine, doing the very same thing here. So glad to see your name and face again.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, so happy to see you in Blogland again.
We've missed you.
Yes, always good to evaluate what is really important and to dump those thing which aren't!

Victoria said...

So good to see you, Charmaine!
I 100% agree with your quote. It came into focus this last year with Mo, but I find it blurs easily for me. I need to keep coming back and remembering those four important components.
(What a beautiful place to reflect, by the way.)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Was just thinking of you yesterday, no kidding. Fall is a bit melancholy for me and I was hoping you were doing ok and wrapping yourself in family and love, whatever you were up to.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

So very nice to read you again and to see your gorgeous photographs with equally beautiful quotes.
Hope you are doing well!