The first snow of the season.

"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world & wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?"
~ J. B. Priestley
SNOW!!! Wow, it's beautiful. It looks like powdered sugar...
I love snow! Although I've never looked out from home and seen any. The two times it (freakishly) snowed here in coastal So. California, I was, sigh, out of town.
oh wow! Just a little bit more and you could be making snowballs!
: )
Ohhhh PRETTY!!!
God I miss snow. Here in Southern California we don't even get Autumn...much less snow.
grumble grumble
I bet Trux was pleased, too!
snow already?! wow...that's awesome (and a bit nuts).
Marvellous quote that echoes my feelings about the white stuff. Lucky you! many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Can you believe you already have snow? How are you guys doing? It looks like you have a job lined up. When do you go?
Take care and stay warm.
Ohhh... how I miss the snow! Let's not confuse that with the cold of winter that lasts for months... but I do miss snow. I'm hoping we get lucky and get another flurry over this way around Christmas this year. It's just not the same without snow! :)
And there is something very peaceful and quiet about fresh snow too. ♥
Very pretty indeed, but if given the choice, I prefer to hold off on that bit of magic till December!
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