November 30, 2009

Past life

I must have had a past life where these items were surrounding me....I'm so drawn to them.

Why is it that all the shops I seem to like, are on the other side of the continent?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely adore that 1st pendant!!

Golden West said...

That area of NH is ripe with good pickings. We used to stay in Keene and branch out in all directions, looking for merchandise.

Tess Kincaid said...


Curly Girl Glass said...

You must be an old soul!

Renegade Behavior said...

Love the Necklaces....

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean. I am also drawn to old things. Interesting, how I also love "new" things (contemporary, clean lines.)

Amanda at 32˙North said...

My mom took me on a few buying trips with her back east when I was really young. It was totally exciting searching for antiques and exploring New England. We still laugh about goofy things we saw and reminisce about the great finds.