April 28, 2010

Cove Palisades Remodel - progress

The marina cafe/store remodel at Cove Palisades is progressing.

The wall with the door opening and the wall to the left will be covered with corrugated tin which will be distressed a bit so it won't look shiny. All the light fixtures are to be switched out to industrial looking pendants.

The peg board was a surprise. I didn't know it was ordered, and can't really see anything redeeming about it. Also, I specified dark stained slat wall (slats) to tie in with the color of the wood floor. Not wild about slat wall to begin with, and this color looks anemic.

This shot shows the two different wall colors the best, although my photography skills aren't doing the colors justice.

The before shots can be seen here.

I'll post more photos once the tables, chairs and barstools arrive, and the bar counter is installed. I'm looking forward to seeing all the elements together.


Donna Pizzi said...

So who bollixed up (Brit slang) the anemic "slats" versus the dark stained ones, which would have, as you say, been far preferable? Can they be returned (even though already installed?) I like the wall colors a lot and can't wait to see how it all ties together... I'm sure it will be very cool.

Unknown said...

I love the wall colors. I, too, will be waiting to see the finished product.

Reading prior posts - you DO have a cute dog! The travel looks like fun. Happy Anniversary!