April 12, 2010


Sample board for Cafe/Store

Existing flooring
Yolo interior paint
(color looks off on my screen - it is actually more orange than beige)
Corrugated tin on a few walls and bar counter
Industrial vibe for the lighting...
and chairs
Teak and aluminum tables...
It's all coming together.


Helen said...

I do plan on driving out to see your handiwork .......... good luck with the project. I know it will be just perfectly executed.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Mm hm. Mm hm. Mm hm. I see where you're going.... I like it!

Golden West said...

Aluminum is such a great material - your project is really coming together! Those aluminum chairs are awesome.

Nice to see the thumbnails back on your blog lists - I use your blog as a gateway to lot of other writers and enjoy being able to see if they've updated their posts - thanks!

Amanda at 32˙North said...

You must be having so much fun! Can't wait to see more.

chelsea said...

Love this collection, can't wait to see pix of the completed project.

On a side note, how small is the world that Amanda (32* North)found you and follows your blog? Hi Amanda!!! (She's one of my sister's best friends!)