From Elizabeth:
as burgeoning spring
demands poetic response
we bloggers will sing
From Wikipedia: Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of three metrical phrases of 5, 7 and 5 (syllables). Haiku typically contain a seasonal reference, and punctuation marks which cause a pause in speech. Haiku in English usually appear in three lines.
This sounds fun! I'm IN!
I love haiku...it doesn't totally strain my brain...(doesn't take much)...
Hmmm, this sounds like a good time I might have to check out. Loves me some haiku! Thanks for sharing it.
I've read that over on Elizabeth's blog and envy anyone that has some form of poetry skills. I totally lack in that area but I am going to enjoy reading others!
... now this is a writing challenge I will enjoy (at least) attempting .....
I guess it is time
To put on my thinking cap
And write a haiku
Sounds like fun!
Try, try as I might
to spring in to verse right now
Nothing comes to mind
Fun, fun and more fun....shall start to think of something to say, xv.
Now I just need to REMEMBER! ; )
I love haiku all the way back to my school days!
I would LOVE to do this! How will I remember?! Oh! I'll create my post now and save it under drafts. Thanks for the help. I knew you'd think of something. :)
Sounds like fun! Though, I'm better at limericks. ;)
There once was an anthropologist Throssil...
( I could continue, but it's pretty naughty!)
Have fun.
I love Haiku.
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