April 19, 2009


“As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love”

~ unknown

Tea & Honey Bread's Shutter Click & Chat

We're at the coast this weekend.


Elizabeth said...

I see Trux made the heart category!
Wags from Buster....

Unknown said...

Love that wedding photos, can we see more..Happy Sunday, hugs....M

shiborigirl said...

Beautiful post Charmaine. I like your family shots, and the ocean painting is sublime.

Enjoy your time at the beach.


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

There's always room for more...isn't that so cool? Have a great time at the coast...totally envious!

T.Allen said...

Beautiful pics, enjoy the coast!

Golden West said...

I love your wedding picture!

Jennifer Juniper said...

Jealous! Have fun!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Beautiful. Perfect sentiment for your location, too. You always find the best quotes.