Musing on earthquakes and tectonic plates. Three significant earthquakes in a little over a week; Solomon Islands, N. California, Haiti. They seem to be moving east. Is this normal?
Update: Friday, January 15th, earthquake hits Venezuela, 5.6 on the Richter scale.
I knew I could count on you to be worldly enough to "cover" the terrible disasters going on in Haiti. I'd nearly forgotten the Northern CA quake, and didn't hear about the Solomon Islands' one. What's tragic is that Haiti has been in a deplorable state for years but no one has "noticed." Now it's just past tragic to horrific. Not sure about the movement eastward, but one can only wonder when Oregon will have its 7.0! Prayers and light to the souls that were struck down so suddenly, and to those who go on suffering.
I watched a program on Nat Geo the other day and it talked about how some day all of the continents will again be in one mass...many Earth shifts are occurring, but the one I dread the most is the caldera in Yellowstone, that will end life as we know it and it's due any time according to geologists...is our time up...talk about a cleansing!
A good time to remember that we are our own first responders and need to become more self reliant, with enough water, candles, matches and canned goods on hand for at least several days. And a radio that runs on batteries.
Well, as we in the Philippines say: Behala na...
There is a theory that earthquakes "rip" up a fault, but if I were you, I wouldn't worry about three distant earthquakes, I'd worry about the one in California though.
While we were in Cali for Christmas I actually felt an earthquake, it was totally surreal to feel the entire floor shift back and forth. I freaked & my step MIL told me about usgs.gov where earthquakes all over the globe are tracked to the minute (needless to say btw, she didn't feel a thing they're just so used to that in SoCal). That one I felt was a 5.9 in Mexicali which was 100 miles away from where we were staying. I've been on that site every couple days since getting home, its amazing to see the heavy epicenters. I pray for everyone who has gone through these recent strong quakes.
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