January 28, 2010


Winter in the high desert has me longing for fresh growth...something green, something besides sage brush and juniper.

Herb mirror by H20 Architectes

Photo: Debra Lee Baldwin
via LA Times

Too bad the deer are so fond of succulents. Maybe I could get away with some on the front porch...


Golden West said...

That triple birdbath makes a great planter - love it! I've never much been a fan of succulents, but that gorgeous planter makes me reconsider - so many different colors and textures - awesome!

A Wild Thing said...

I am a lover of sedum...when I first moved into my shack, the old lady of the house had tractor tires filled with sedums, at first I thought of getting rid of them, but then I decided they were SOOOO rural Iowa back in the day, that I decided to keep them.

Some may think they're cheesy, but hey...I live in a pink house...IN IOWA...so that means no holds barred...right!!!

Tess Kincaid said...

The deer are becoming more of a problem since our Ralphy dog died. He'd mark his territory and they knew to stay back. Now, they're nibbling almost everything!

Suzanne Denning said...

Love the planter. Thanks for sharing.

T.Allen said...

That planter rocks! I'm getting desert landscaping bored again, too. What can I kill next, hmmm? *Laughs*