February 08, 2010

Look twice

Chandeliers by Madeleine Boulesteix
I've seen teacup chandeliers before, but I had to look twice at these to realize what they were constructed from...the clear glass works.


Golden West said...

Very clever - beautiful and useful, so it works on a lot of levels!

Beth Howard said...

Those are so coool!

A Wild Thing said...

Not only that, but there's a whole bunch of kitchen tools being used...very cool and recycled!

shibori girl said...

Very cool, and gorgeous. What a fabulous idea.


Amanda at 32˙North said...

VERY interesting! I like the bottom one with the hints of color.

Victoria said...

really lovely and very clever!

Mélanie A. said...

Great idea , I love their look , it would look great in an antiques shop