February 03, 2010

Sitting pretty

I was sitting by the fire last week, looking out the French doors at all the snow. On the ground, the back deck, the ramada, the tree branches. Cammie was even over by the door looking out. Sadly, the photo doesn't show the snow at all....just a glare.

I'm sure there's some technical gobbly gook that explains why the eye sees differently than the camera. Wish I could figure it out...


Golden West said...

That arc of leaves Mark made for over your sink is outstanding, Charmaine.

A Wild Thing said...

Me too, cause my eye sees some pretty cool shots...however, this shot shows the warm, toasty feeling one gets of your lil' nest!

Mind if I kick off my shoes and join you by the fire???

T.Allen said...

It upsets me no end whan that happens, as it does often. There's just no duplicating mother nature, eh? (Did you try the "backlight" setting)

Helen said...

Nonetheless .... your home's interior is gorgeous!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Your photo may not show your snow, but it does show off those gorgeous buttery walls! Pretty, Charmaine.

Penelope said...

Lovely shot! It's to do with the camera's exposure reading- it took what it needed to expose the room, which was too much for the snow. If you have a manual setting put it to that, then as you bump up the shutter speed you will see (through the camera!) the room get darker and the snow show up. :)

Tess Kincaid said...

I got lots of good advice from your readers. I often have the same problem.