July 06, 2010

Keeping the sun out

I recently found an Apartment Therapy article regarding the use of a transparent welding curtain as an indoor sunshade.

Being the wife of an artist blacksmith, I found this creative reuse intriguing. But I have to wonder about the off-gassing of sun heated vinyl. Perhaps if it was placed outside, rather than inside...


A Wild Thing said...

I'm with ya on the toxicity of the heated vinyl, outside should work better.

Your patio turned out fabulous and Trux seems to approve!

Donna Pizzi said...

Yes, I agree... I'd think out-gassing would be a problem. We have a Frank Sinatra vinyl banner that actually closes my sinuses if I get to near it when we're doing our Sinatra show at retirement homes!!!

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Wow! That's quite a blocking effect! Pretty cool.

Victoria said...

Love the look, but I agree... the chemicals/smell of hot vinyl... that I could do without.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

That looks really cool and I like the creative 'thinking outside the box'- Health and clean air though- we need that to live-

Lovely blog!