July 13, 2010

That Is All

I've decided to suspend this blog. I'm going to make it private as it is a good journal of photos, and sources for me.

Thanks to all who have joined in the fun for the last three years. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you virtually, and in some cases, in person.



  1. Oh no :( Please reconsider. You dont have to do daily posts..just post whenever you want to. I can fully understand this blog thing, many times I wanted to go private and at times, even to close it. However, I am sure you have good reasons for it...when the time is right, maybe you'll pop back again in blogland. Hugs..M

  2. I am glad I glanced over the blogs on my Reader today ... I will miss you, especially since you are nearly a real neighbor! I may, or may not, be back in September BUT do want to tell you I have enjoyed knowing you in blogland.

  3. Well that blows! Why not give us a post when you REALLY REALLY want to. We'll be here!

  4. Hmmm...I'm sure you have good reason. I'll e-mail you with my phone number. (Um, yeah...nope, you can't get rid of me that easily!)

  5. We're all going to miss our daily dose of Diva.

  6. What's this? I'm worried about this... Hope all is OK...

  7. So sorry to hear this, Charmaine. It's been fun to stop by and keep up with you. All best wishes!

  8. No-no!! Oh, please say it isn't so!! Can't you just leave all your wonderfulness up for the world to enjoy? Even if you only post once a week...or month, even. It's too sad to think of the bloggyhood without you. xx

  9. I consider you one of my blog friends, and will certainly miss seeing you here Charmaine. However, I support you in trusting your instincts and doing what is best for you... that is so important in maintaining balance and happiness. (I hope you keep your design blog, as I look forward to following you there!) xo Vic

  10. Oh, I'm going to miss your updates from the desert Charmaine, I hope you change your mind and come back soon, but also wish you well for the future in case you don't

  11. I respect that!

    I am grateful that we met though this blog.
    and I am thankful for all the inspiration you have posted through the years.

    thank you,

  12. Every post you have gone to the trouble to photograph and write, has been a pleasure--- a treat--- for those of us reading, Charmaine.

    I hope you'll decide to post sporadically, and give us all a dose of your wit and wisdom when you choose. Or maybe you'll decide to write a book about your High Desert Life & Times?

    Either way, I think most of us will be 'here' waiting (and hoping).

    Love you,

  13. Would you share what you did to your ceilings? I live in an old mobile and found your blog a few weeks ago. Love how you've changed your home over the years.

    Thank you,


  14. Been there, done it, so I get it. But it does make me sad you are closing shop. Am I a hyprocrite, you bet!

    I hope you'll keep in touch via email and facebook and of course come back to NY and hang with Michelle and me again. Love ya, Charmaine. xoxo

  15. Sometimes it's necessary no? It's been great following you. Your posts will be missed.


  16. Scratchy is really pissed, there's no consoling her...girl, you must do what you gotta do, but you'll be sorely missed...do stop by for a chat though won't you...

    Have a wonderful time though...you'll be back, let us know when!!!


  17. I'll go ahead and leave this blog up for reference...I can always start a private blog/journal if I feel the need.


  18. Mammy / Danita,

    We tore out the plastic and cardboard mobile home ceiling, pulled out approximately 50,000 staples and hung sheet rock on the ceiling (and walls). Then painted. That's all....

  19. Thanks for responding!

    I've enjoyed reading about all your adventures both as you've remodeled your home and as you shared your adventures.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Danita (Mammy is what my granddaughter calls me)

  20. Thanks so much for giving what you've given and sharing what you've shared. You'll be missed, there's no doubt ~ But for whatever reason(s) you're bidding adios, we all can understand the need to free up some areas of life. Cheers to you, and heaps of appreciation, too!

    Kim Forester
    Pullman WA

  21. I have so enjoyed your blog, your inspiration and getting to know you in person. Thank you, Charmaine, for all that you've shared. I hope your next adventure--personal or otherwise--is as wonderful as this one has been.

    Love and best wishes.....Carla

  22. Oh no! I will miss your posts Charmaine! I hope you'll reconsider posting again, even if it's every now and again, sometime down the track. I hope all is well with you and that you'll stay in touch. Do you tweet? I know you Facebook, but I don't Facebook. At least I have your email :)

    This is sad news but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I fully understand that. And support it. Even if it makes me sad...

    Love Tracy xo

  23. Gosh!
    I will miss you!
    You were one of my first blog-friends.
    I know blogging is an awful 'time-suck' and I'm sure you have lots going on
    but stop by and visit sometimes.
    you will be much MISSED


  24. Well, it's already been shown that you will be missed, but we understand. xoxo

  25. Sending you love and blessings..Always remember me..you kept me going..
    God Bless..Carolyn/Rosebud.

  26. Oh my gosh, I just got back to viewing your blog and now you are going away. I'll miss seeing your home updates and design ideas.
    Best wishes to you and yours.
    Peace, Judi

  27. Bye Charmaine! Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read, and always a big favorite of mine. I told you once before that your blog was like a mini-vacation from my life, and I will really miss that bit of R & R! Best wishes and happy thoughts to you and Mark, and big hugs to Trux and Cammie.

  28. I will surely miss reading you Blogs. They have so much "Class".

    Wishing you the best!

    Hugs, Rose

  29. I have enjoyed your blog from the very beginning and your friendship. I will always cherish you as a true friend : )


  30. Charmaine! ♥ You will be dearly missed. I so hope you change your mind... but if not... maybe we shall still cross paths someday.


  31. Hi Charmaine-
    I was out of town and hadn't checked in to your blog in a couple weeks. Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. It had humor and elegance and lightness. I wish you and your husband the very best. Hug Trux and Cammie for me.
    I hope to see you again sometime in the blog world.


  32. Thank you for all your lovely images Charmaine and for the wonderful comments at French Essence over the past couple of years....xv

  33. And thank you, too. ALthough I have not stopped by as regularly as I used to, I was always drawn to your fabulous designs and beautiful pictures. Many thanks for the happy memories.

    Greetings from London.

    Adios. :-)


“Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination.”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein