I found this image in a magazine pre-blogging days so I don't have the source. If anyone can remember...let me know and I'll credit appropriately. Seriously though...how fun are those paper umbrellas used as a window valance? click to enlarge photo

Colorful ribbons on display in my office. (Note the lime green walls, ceiling too....a very happy place to work)
hanging ballerina from A'Musements

"Don't you stay at home of evenings? Don't you love a cushioned seat in a corner, by the fireside, with your slippers on your feet?"
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
I think I need to add more color to my room after seeing these photos! I have some very pretty slippers from Singapore that I received as a gift sitting in my closet, yet to be worn. Time to get those out.
Gallery Juana
Those slippers are fabulous!
As cute as those slippers are, I wouldn't pay a great deal for them because my ratbag dog destroys slippers. They'd unfortunately not last long enough for me to enjoy them. I LOVE your lime green walls! Very cool! I think most (normal ;) people refuse to view ceilings as a fifth wall because most (normal ;) people find them such a bugger to paint! If you'd like to paint mine, come on over. I'll even supply the overalls. A super stunning pair suitable for a diva such as yourself of course. I'll attach sequins to them even :)
I love those slippers!
Those ARE fun slippers! I have no idea how much I'd pay (so helpful, I know), but if the price were right those would be great guest slippers. I can see a basket of them sitting by my front door.
that photo of the slippers is pretty fantastic.
Ooh pretty :~) I love the merlot color, the light blue too. For high quality leather shoe construction any price you have listed seems reasonable depending on the embellishments, etc. The photo is pretty cool in and of itself too!
Do you think this is something you could sell on Etsy or would you sell these from your blog?
Wouldn't work for Etsy...not sure if it will work at all...the wholesale cost doesn't really mesh...
Oh my I LOVE the green walls in your office! What a great color! We're still in the process of remodeling rooms and the office...I'm doing mine in a nice, bright orange. I can't WAIT.
That valance is fun, but I'm drooling over the chandelier. Someday, I will make my own chandelier and it will KICK ASS. The slippers are fun! And thanks for stopping by my sis's blog, I really hope she'll be excited about it!
look at how organized your ribbon is...mine is all thrown into a drawer in a jumbled mess.
I love color too, but am too afraid to use it i think.
I like all the bold colors. I personally go for it in a more mild manner, but I do see the appeal of just wow-ing socks off. I used to have all my ceilings painted a color, but when my husband moved in and we repainted, it wasn't something I found myself concerned with. How did I let him talk me out of it?! (I must've been in love).
Those slippers... must have....
Well, I'm with the slippers crowd. They are beautiful. I must admit, I've purchased some stunning silk and cotton sllipers on ebay (new)
I just posted a little something on my blog, but you make me want to go change the picture... I love color too, and so funny because I was just sitting and wondering if my blog post needed more color... hehee.
Thanks for the inspiration love!
Pretty, pretty. The umbrella valance is perfect.
I remembered the slippers from Elizabeth's blog the moment I saw them....and that umbrella valance..I think it looks like it would be so much fun to make...just poke poke poke those umbrellas in...its fun to open and close those umbrellas...
I'm with you on colour....painted my bedroom in March, (Mirror Lake), a pale light green, and did the ceiling the same colour. Had a bit of paint left over and used it on a side table. The overall effect is so spring-y and lovely.
I love the way I have posted with boring old grey, and you have the Crayola box opened up for all it's worth! Aren't WE a pair?! Thank you for the energy and the fun in your photos! Like having Hawaiian Punch instead of milk; 2% milk at that! Ha!
I love the lime green walls, just beautiful. I just voted in your poll, I agree those slippers are amazing
: )
The slippers look super on your blog.
Hope you have managed to get something organized via Maryam?
Organization is not Marrakech's strength.......
As regards color, I adore it, but am lusting for neutrals right now.........
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