April 03, 2009

Just look

 Michelle Brand, a designer from the UK, 
makes fanciful LED light fixtures 
using the bottoms of plastic bottles.

Love it!

*all photos from Brand's website


A Cuban In London said...

Agree with you. Absolutely adore it! Especially the last one.

Greetings from London.

Anonymous said...

Very cool, love these!
Can also see these flowers translating into jewelry, minus the lighting.

Golden West said...

I tend toward the more traditional, but certainly can appreciate the talent and imagination in her work. Those blue flower lights would illuminate your ramada beautifully!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Okay, people like this leave me in awe. That's amazing. She saw art in the bottom of a plastic bottle. LOVE IT.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Who ever would have thought a bottle could look like this...ingenious!

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Wow Charmaine, I wonder what these look like without the computer screen interpretation? They seem to radiate and reflect...amazing what a creative mind can accomplish. Thanks for sharing the images and link. <3

Victoria said...

very cool.

T. Kimberlyn said...

Wooowww.....I love it. So creative and beautiful! Nice find "C"

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

amazing! I think they would bring Zen to my bedroom...

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow! I can't believe those are made from plastic bottles! Cool!

T.Allen said...

Breath taking! Who would've thought? Plastic bottles?! Amazing.

vicki archer said...

Fantastic - love them. Have a wonderful weekend, xv.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Those are too cool!

shiborigirl said...

No Way! These are so cool! (Love the last photo.)


CocoDivaDog said...

How gorgeous!!
What a green-conscious artist.

Hey Harriet said...

What a sweet way of recycling plastic bottles!

SweetPeaSurry said...

Whoa is me .. those are gorgeous!!! I may have to stop collecting tea-pots now!

CSD Faux Finishing said...

I have run across her work but never saw this one before! Love this, its so brilliant :)

Karen from A`Musements said...

This is wonderful.... so fun, makes you smile (and the color!!!)

Unknown said...

I can imagine them in my home, what a great way to recycle !

The Clever Pup said...

That's crazy and so simple. I love it too.

Unknown said...

Thoae are so pretty! Perfect for an outdoor patio!