April 02, 2009

Ten (Dieci)

Theme Thursday...this week it is 10

We have ten nieces...

Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque

sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci
aren't they beautiful?
bella, si?


A Cuban In London said...

Ciao, diva, ahhh, I see you're getting the hang of the good old Italian language :-)! Lovely lexicon, believe me, although I can't speak I understand enough to get by. Yes, they are beautiful, bella.

Ciao, greetings from London.

XUE said...

10 toes...I do not have (really!) but that's another story :) .
And when you have a big family reunion, do you have to rent chairs for that huge number of people! How fun!

Hey Harriet said...

My gosh, ten nieces! I only have two! And yes they are all beautiful :)

Jeanne Estridge said...

Correction: you have 10 BEAUTIFUL nieces!

mati said...

mais oui! très jolies!
salut du Midi!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

10 nieces is certainly something to boast about!

Tess Kincaid said...

Si!! Bellisima! Fun to see you're polishing up some Italian. Wow, your family is full of girls!

Golden West said...

What a lovely group!

Brian Miller said...

beautiful pics made of beautiful people...10~!

Elizabeth said...


If I remember my Italian that means 'without a doubt'
they are lovely!

Gosh are you getting excited for your trip?

Wings1295 said...

Quite a beautiful bunch of nieces you have! Tres bella!

Leah said...

TEN! Incredible. And yes, beautiful!

Colette Amelia said...

Wow 10 nieces...lucky you! We have two and they had to be imported from China! I think that was the only way we were going to get a girl from a family of boys!

Cheryl Cato said...

Very beautiful!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Very beautiful extended family and all look happy!!

Ronda Laveen said...

You are blessed X 10.

Tom said...

the little girl with braces must be very silly.

Dakota Bear said...

Ten nieces and they are all beautiful.

Megan said...

They are beautiful! My mother has 10 nieces, I just counted! How funny!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Bella, si.

Mrsupole said...

All 10 are so beautiful, very simple 10 post, but complicated because they are all girls. You all are blessed during get togethers to have so many young ladys.

Thanks for sharing the pictures of them.

God bless.

vicki archer said...

Si, si, xv.

Kris McCracken said...

That's a lot of nieces!

T.Allen said...

Whoa! That's a load of lovely ladies...and weddings! Yikes!

StaroftheEast said...

Wow 10 nieces, and all beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I have one beautiful neice- but you are blessed indeed :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful...must be plenty to by for Xmas :D