October 14, 2009


A forensic expert has recently identified a finger print on the canvas of "La Bella Principessa" as belonging to none other than Leonardo da Vinci.

Which makes this painting, purchased in 1997 for $19,000 now worth an estimated $150 million.
How's that for art investment?


A Wild Thing said...

WOW...we can only dream, right...I think we'll be getting your snow Friday...thanks!!!


littlebyrd said...

that is such a great story!!

T.Allen said...

Gasp! *Starts dusting etsy purchases and logging them for the future.*

Victoria said...

How cool is that!?!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Isn't this the most exciting news?! I heard about it on GMA this morning. Had to stop in and say "Hi!" because I haven't in awhile. Hope all is wonderful with you and your snow looks lovely! :)

Renegade Behavior said...

Wish I had that in my possession... lol

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal!

Unknown said...

wow...150million, I would have pawned my house to buy that painting had I knew :P