November 01, 2009

Ever been to prison?

I can now say I have been.

A group of girlfriends went with me to a woodworking sale at the prison in a neighboring town.

The inmates work with wood in a vocational rehabilitation program and then the items are sold to the public for the cost of the wood.

Good deals are found.  
This fairly elaborate birdhouse was $60.

$35 for the barn birdhouse

This lidded box

with removable tray was $15

The inlaid, cedar-lined blanket chest...


Next sale is in April!


Amanda at 32˙North said...

Pretty awesome! Did you get anything?

Unknown said...

Wow. That is amazing woodwork. I hope you snatched up one of those wonderful works!

T.Allen said...

I am morbidly curious about anything involving prisons and prisoners, so this is too cool for me!

The work is gorgeous too, I hope you bought lots of stuff.

Golden West said...

Sounds like a good program - inmates learn a skill and keep busy doing something productive. I'm surprised the items aren't sold for more to help pay for part of the cost of their incarceration...

Debra said...

I LOVE the lidded boxes! Did you treat yourself?

High Desert Diva said...

The boxes.....
I love boxes

marc aurel said...

The chest looks great. If I were in jail, (again), I would make the chest and dream of escaping inside it, but, of course, I would wisely go back to my cell and continue trying to be a "good" prisonner.

Unknown said...

I love that first chairs and table set! Stunning!

Unknown said...

wow...they are all beautifully made and affordable too :)