November 20, 2009

One year later

We adopted Trux, a four year old Aussie/Border Collie, exactly one year ago. 

Lookin' good as a slim 5 year old, eh?


Cammie, on the other hand, is not a success story. We adopted her two years ago when she was almost nine. Two years of rationed, diet food later, and she is still the fattest 14 pound cat I've ever seen. Poor baby.


A Wild Thing said...

I love the ever alert ear standing at point...he looks always and ready to take on the bunnies or anything else for that matter...ha!

Scratchy sighs here...

But Cammie...have you checked the cookie jar for paw prints...however, she looks quite satisfied with herself...I know the feeling!!!


Elizabeth said...

But both animals are gorgeous and much loved!
Buster sends a lick t them both!

picciolo said...

trux certainly looks very happy, and what a sleek coat he now has. Cammie looks quite at home too, maybe her fat is stored in preparation for your desert winters!
: )

Tess Kincaid said...

Heehee, I can certainly relate to Cammie.

Country Girl said...

Trux is gorgeous!!! I love the one perky ear (or is that just how the photo looks?) Cammie may need some time on the kitty treadmill. But she is a lovely one.

Golden West said...

Cammie has a good excuse - staying inside all the time! Trux is looking great - what a difference a year makes!

Hey Harriet said...

Trux is looking great! Cammie is a happy fat cat :)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

She may be fat, but she sure looks like a happy cat!!

Unknown said...

Ah..the life of a cat, doing nothing but lazing around. My cousin's cat is super me, she is fatter than Cammie...I often wondered what they fed her :(

Unknown said...

Poor Cammie. Fat, happy cat. Trux looks amazingly happy too! It's so nice to have pets...

Unknown said...

i've fallen in love with trux through your blog. i'd love to run and play with him. :-)

lol @ the image of cammie.