March 31, 2010

Of a Certain Age

Anyone else old enough to remember the sound of a dial phone?

Not the ring, particularly...
the ch, ch, ch, ch sound the dial made as it spun.

It seemed to take forever,
especially if one had a 9 or 0 in their number.

These vintage beauties are available from Russell Johnson Imports

"The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own."

~ Virginia Woolf


Amanda Blackwood the Survivor said...

I do actually remember those. We had one when I was a kid. You brought back a few memories for me!

Unknown said...

I do! I remember playing with my grandfather's phone as I love hearing the whirl--ing sound of it when it turns :)

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Absolutely! I actually had one of these in high school in the 90s.

Renegade Behavior said...

My Grandma had a phone like this... I think I enjoyed the ch, ch, chhhhh

By the way, love the new blog design : ) Especially the textural background.

marc aurel said...

Absolutely. I used my fingers to preposition numbers so that I could dial a number in the dark. I remember the distinctive sound on the line. Incidentally, in English call boxes, you could tap out the number with the receiver craddle and get free long distance calls. They had to change all public phones in the country when they realised what we vandals had found out! Here, we resisted getting touch tone phones as long as possible and we were furious at the Bell for charging us for touch tone service, which we had been forced to adopt. We don't have land lines at home at all anymore.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yep...One ringy dingy...

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Ha! I swear my grandparents kept their rotary phone as long as they did to disuade my sister & I from using it so often :-)